About Us
Child loss is tough. Unbearable at times. It’s not the natural order of things for a much-loved child to die before you do. None of us ever wanted to join this kids club. But here we are.
As parents, we discovered that grief support in New Zealand is under-resourced and patchy.
Healing Hearts aims to join the dots and make support and resources, for families enduring the death of a child, easier to find. Healing Hearts is not a counselling service or a form of group therapy. We don’t fundraise for a cause. We do run a Facebook Group.
Grief Support In New Zealand
We are a small peer-support group of New Zealand families who connect online through our Facebook Group. The common bond is that each parent has lost a child to either illness or sudden death. Some died long ago, while other families are working through the initial stages of loss.
We found each other and have formed a strong connection. It has been immensely helpful to share our stories openly with other parents who understand the pain and grief of losing a child prematurely.
Who speak our language without turning away and can share experiences without judgement. Who understand the bad days when it’s hard to get out of bed.
We share a common purpose – to rebuild our shattered lives while honouring the memory of our child. To get through an exceptionally difficult time by leaning on each other.
Connecting has helped us find hope, it may well help you.

Contact Us
We don't run grief support groups, provide counselling or therapeutic advice. We do help parents connect with others and share resources.